Founder & Owners
Nazareth Man House
Martin, the Executive Director, and Carolyn, the Executive Director of Counseling and Family Development, work dutifully to provide a broad range of support for families and at-risk people, including ex-felons and felons. Their mission is to come along side those who need assistance reconnecting with God, family, and the community.

“Our mission is to come along side those needing assistance reconnecting with God, family and the community.”
We exist primarily because broken men and hurting families need help and healing. This Christian ministry is a mission of love, spiritual healing, redemption, and restoration. The services we provide make it easier for at-risk men, including felons, to enter a safe place committed to their growth and well-being. Nazareth Man House recognizes that a whole man living in the grace of the Lord will positively affect his family, make amends to victims of their crimes, work to strengthen the community, and ultimately help build the kingdom of God.
Establishing an open line of communication with you can help us improve this ministry. At Nazareth Man House, your direct input matters—you matter! We want to hear from you.
Nazareth Man House from the Foresight For-Givers Foundation. Help meet our operating budget and fund proposed projects to expand and enhance how we come alongside at-risk men.
Nazareth Man House
The phrase Nazareth Man was coined from a question asked by one of Jesus’ original disciples. When he first heard from his brother about the small, insignificant village where Jesus was raised, he asked, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” The use of the phrase “Nazareth Man” affirms that something good can come out of unsuspecting places, even in the lives of broken men with difficult backgrounds. Many potentially good men have discovered the path to wholeness, wellness, purposefulness, productivity, and prosperity through this ministry.
” I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it unto me…”
Jesus Christ
(Matthew 25:40 NLT)
Videos of workshops, speeches, Bible studies, round-table discussions, and other sessions principally covering issues dealing with manhood and other male-related studies are produced by Nazareth Man House to encourage men to work toward a better and more productive lifestyle. These videos provide valuable information for family and friends of at-risk men, felons, and ex-felons, along with insightful and helpful tools for encouraging broken men to seek renewal and restoration.
NMH Services, Inc.
Designed to provide built – in employment and/or careers to program residents and non-residential clients.
On the Road to Manhood is an effective tool that will not only answer essential questions many men have but will also provide a clear map for entering that path and successfully traveling it.
Nazareth Man House’s Blog
Nazareth Man House
Nazareth Man House is committed to family and community unifications by assisting men become taxpayers, homeowners, mentors of other, entrepreneurs and whatever other positive pursuit or venture their skills-set and passions pushes them to achieve.