About Organization

Nazareth Man House is a Christian ministry founded with the primary mission of assisting at-risk citizens and those who have been incarcerated to rebuild their lives. Our clients and their needs are the focus of our efforts. We exist because broken people are repairable, regardless of the horrific nature or severity of their transgressions. Our objective is to assist each client in accomplishing five important growth goals:

Wholeness—Achieving self-unity, spirit, mind, and body, which enables the individual to function effectively and realize his full human potential.
Wellness—Maintaining healthy mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical dispositions through a disciplined lifestyle.
Purposefulness—Having a clear and reasonable understanding of his identity with a practical working knowledge of why he exists and what he is gifted to do.
Productivity—Actively working, employing his skills, talents, and mental and physical abilities in a manner that supports himself/family and adequately fulfills his obligations.
Prosperity—Receiving the monetary benefits of consistent, meaningful, and legitimate work that results in moving beyond lack and away from poverty.

Nazareth Man House is committed to family and community unifications by assisting men to become taxpayers, homeowners, mentors of others, entrepreneurs, and whatever other positive pursuit or venture their skills-set and passions push them to achieve.

Nazareth Man House’s comprehensive ministry includes administrative and organizational structures, programs, operational procedures, marketing strategies, timelines, projections, and cost analyses, all designed to ensure that Nazareth Man House accomplishes its mission. Nazareth Man House’s support schema is built around four primary sets of people:
1. Those who manage the day-to-day operations of Nazareth Man House’s programming and ministries.
2. Support personnel who donate time and money to Nazareth Man House’s operations and to the success of its clients.
3. Nazareth Man House clientele, including those who participate in IPM and OPM.
4. The public at large and the communities our clients are affecting in positive ways.