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Every male has a God-given right to transition from boyhood across the male divide that leads to manhood. There is a reasonable expectation in civilized society that family structures will accomplish this important task. Yet many young men, through no fault of their own, denied the privilege of this right are forced to come of age without acquiring the tools needed to function well in a man’s world. This is the unfortunate consequence of broken homes, missing fathers, unprepared mothers, and a host of other cultural factors that combine to have a predictable negative impact, stunting the growth of unsuspecting males.

It is the norm these days for a young man to reach the place on his life’s journey where, because of his age, he must choose a course or a life direction. But he does not know this choice is about the different directions of life. Neither does he know he must choose wisely if he is to become a whole man. Thus, when he makes poor decisions and arrives on the stage of an adult world, he is underdeveloped and unprepared to take a proper role in the unfolding drama of his own life.  

This book, “On the Road to Manhood,” not only gives valuable information to clarify the male right-of-passage from boys to men, but it is also a practical guide to empower young and not so young males to achieve the qualities of manhood by taking specific steps across the Male Divide, or if necessary, to step up and out of the Male Waste Land. Over the years, their approach to ministry has been based on an unparalleled ability to understand the mindsets of those living beneath their God-given potential. The plight of individuals suffering needlessly to endure seemingly insurmountable challenges has motivated Thomas” to help others overcome their problems, to survive during trials, and to thrive despite the tribulations they face. Pastor Martin and Lady Carolyn’s transparent style of leadership, grounded in humility and genuine love for people who have lost their way in life and/or given up hope, bears testimony to the fact that God saves, delivers, and transforms those who seek Him with all their heart, mind, and strength.